Extreme Weather at your wedding

Usually when we think of a back-up plan for inclement weather, it is rain we are considering, but this past month has caused me to think of extreme heat also.  Whilst the skies may be a gorgeous, clear blue, making for brilliant photos -the heat and possible sunburn can really cause distress and, at times, illness amongst guests, the bridal party – even your celebrant, photographer, musicians etc can be affected!

So – how do you deal with heat on your wedding day.  A few simple suggestions may make all the difference.

1. Ensure there is plenty of water available for guests,bridal party and your service providers.

2.  Provide parasols for everyone to use (some venues offer them as a part of their service).

3.  Consider using a canopy arrangement for the ceremony – big enough to fit all the bridal party, including the celebrant. (A celebrant feinting from heat stress is not a good look!)

4.  Seriously consider opting for your ‘inclement weather’ option and moving indoors – especially if the temperature is above 30 degrees.

5. If you are planning a summer outdoor wedding ceremony start later – say 5.00 or 5.30 pm when the heat of the day begins to dissipate.

During this summer as we have dealt with extreme temperatures across Australia,  I know many celebrants who have tried to look cool, calm and collected as we have endured sunburn, perspiration dripping down the backs of legs, saturating stockings, feinting grooms and ill guests – all because of heat stress.  This is an important issue to consider if you are planning a summer wedding – please don’t be afraid to call it and head indoors if the heat is going to be what your guests comment most on about your wedding!

Happy planning!


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