Absolutely yes! As a professional marriage celebrant I believe it is imperative that I am a part of your on-site rehearsal.

Anything is possible – even helping to prepare the grounds!
I liaise with your venue co-ordinator to ensure we all work together on the day. As I conduct ceremonies from Flaxton to Montville and Maleny, I know and have an excellent rapport with all venue managers and wedding co-ordinators.
A wedding rehearsal usually goes something like this:
You may complete final details with the venue co-ordinator (particularly if your reception is at the same venue).
You complete your final, pre-marriage legal paper work with me.
We determine how to best position the wedding party in the ‘wedding ceremony space’ or altar.
Working with the wedding co-ordinator if there is one, we than walk through the ceremony from the bride’s arrival to the final recessional checking for things like:
- timing of music
- walking and standing
- use of microphones and setting their levels to suit various voices
- practising for any special rituals
- in fact anything necessary to ensure everyone is comfortable on the big day.
Whilst a rehearsal can be done in as little as 10 minutes I find most wedding ceremony rehearsals take around one hour.
Information supplied by Merlin Coughlan, Flaxton, Montville & Maleny Wedding Celebrant